Dustin and Molly you're love is pure, authentic and oh so natural. It is easy to see and feel how naturally and easily you love each other. My photography is based on authentic, natural, and raw emotions and connections. On the love this creates. You are why I do what I do. I cannot express how easy and fun you make it.
We explored the dirt roads, the woods, and the lakeside where Dustin and Molly will be married in August. We have fun, laughed, cried (maybe that was just me, I always cry), danced and went swimming (ok, maybe that was just me again). Thank you for letting me be me, while capturing you.
I really cannot wait until August. I cannot wait for sunset pictures on the lake, laughing, dancing, love and pizza. I'm really only coming because...pizza.
“The charm of a woodland road lies not only in its beauty but in anticipation. Around each bend may be a discovery, an adventure. ”
May your adventures be plentiful.
Here Molly thought she was going to be cute and sneak a kiss...
Enter Dustin's fine moves!
This next sequence just makes my heart smile.
A collection of moments when they both steal looks. Now I cannot read minds, but, I think they both think they are the luckiest humans alive!
As always, thank you for reading and following along!